Creating Text Templates

This task will show you how to create text templates.
Before you begin, you need to make sure that the package corresponding to the type of object for which you want to create a template is correctly loaded. For the purpose of this scenario, you will load the Product package. Go to Tools > Options > General > Parameters and Measure and select the Knowledge Environment tab. Select the Load extended language libraries check box and clear the All packages check box. From the Available Packages list, select ProductPackage and click on the down arrow to add it to the Packages to load list. Click OK, and then exit and re-start the software.

Create a new drawing.

  1. Click Text in the Annotations toolbar.

  2. Click anywhere in the drawing. A green frame appears, as well as the Text Editor dialog box.

  3. In the Text Editor dialog box, type Part number:.

  4. Without closing the Text Editor dialog box, right-click the frame and select Insert link template.

  5. In the Insert Link Template dialog box which is displayed, select the ProductPackage dictionary, the Product type and the PartNumber attribute, and click Insert.

  6. Back in the Text Editor dialog box, press the Enter key and type Revision:.

  7. Back in the Insert Link Template dialog box, select the Revision attribute (leave the other fields as is), click Insert and then Close.

  8. Click OK in the Text Editor dialog box. The text template is now created.

  9. Make sure the text template is selected and click Frame in the Text Properties toolbar.

  10. From the Frames sub-menu, choose the Scored Rectangle frame .

  11. Right-click the text template, and select Add Leader.

  12. Click in the drawing to end the leader creation. The text template is now set.

  13. Right-click the text template, and select Properties.

  14. Click the Feature Properties tab in the Properties dialog box which is displayed.

  15. In the Feature Name field, type Part number & Revision and click OK. You will use this feature name to identify this text template in the future.

  16. Create another text by repeating steps 1 to 3, this time typing Part name: in the Text Editor dialog box.

  17. Repeat steps 4 and 5, this time selecting the Name attribute in the Insert Link Template dialog box.

  18. Click Close in the Insert Link Template dialog box and then OK in the Text Editor dialog box. The text template is now created.

  19. Make sure the text template is selected and in the Graphic Properties toolbar, choose green from the Color list. The text template is now set.

  20. Repeat steps 13 to 15, this time typing Part name in the Feature Name field. You will use this feature name to identify this text template in the future.

  21. Select File > Save As and save the drawing as a .CATDrawing document.

Now that your text templates are defined, you need to store them in a catalog.