Mathematical Functions  

Sample (illustrates interpolations): KwrInterpolations.CATPart

Note that the input of the cosine function must be an angle despite its signature that allows real numbers. As a consequence, cos(3.14) for example is equivalent to cos (3.14 * 1rad) in the Formula editor. However a warning is displayed. Note that this applies also to the sinus and the tangent functions.
  • abs(Real): Real
    Calculates the absolute value of the argument.
  • ceil(Real): Real
    Returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to the value specified in the argument.
  • floor(Real):Real
    Returns the largest integer value that is less than or equal to the value specified in the argument.
  • int(Real):Real
    Returns the integer part of the argument.
  • min(Real,Real):Real, max(Real,Real)
    Returns the minimum or maximum of a set of values specified in the argument. You can provide as much real values in input of this function as you want. You can also provide one List of values as argument of this function.
    Example: min(x,y,z)
    Example: min(List.1) /* List.1 being a list of values */
  • sqrt(Real):Real
    Returns the square root.
  • log(Real):Real
    Returns the logarithm.
  • ln(Real):Real
    Returns the natural logarithm.
  • round(Real):Real
    Rounds numbers of the form x.5 toward the nearest even integer.
  • round(Real, String, Integer):Real
    Returns a rounded number. This method is available for the types requiring units (Length, Angle, ...). 
    • Real is the real number that you want to round (for example 13.552).
    • String is the unit (for example "mm").
    • Integer corresponds to the number of digits that you want to display after the dot.
A dimensioned value is required for the round function to work properly. Please find here below some examples on how the Round function works:
  • round (12.333mm,"mm",1) will return 12.3 for the value is a length
  • round (12.333mm+1mm,"mm",1) will display an error for the sum result is a non-dimensioned real value
  • round (-12.333mm,"mm",1)will return an error for the subtraction result is a non-dimensioned real value

The two last examples results using the + / - arithmetic operators may seem strange. However, this should be considered as a standard behavior. Beware that using the + / - arithmetic operators will always return a non-dimensioned value. When using this function, a parameter is logically selected as input so the + / - issue should not be recurrent in this context.

  • exp(Real):Real
    Returns the exponential.
  • LinearInterpolation(arg1:Real, arg2:Real, arg3:Real) : Real
    Must be used when creating a parallel curve from a law.
    1 - Create a line in the Generative Shape Design workbench
    2 - Access the Knowledge Advisor workbench and create the law below:
    FormalReal.1 = LinearInterpolation(1,9,FormalReal.2)
    3 - Back to the Generative Shape Design, create a parallel curve. Select the Law mode and specify the law above as the one to be applied.
  • CubicInterpolation(arg1:Real, arg2:Real, arg3:Real) : Real
    Must be used when creating a parallel curve from a law.
    1 - Create a line in the Generative Shape Design workbench
    2 - Access the Knowledge Advisor workbench and create the law below:
    FormalReal.1 = CubicInterpolation(1,50,FormalReal.2)
    3 - Back to the Generative Shape Design, create a parallel curve. Select the Law mode and specify the law above as the one to be applied.
  • mod(Real,Integer): Real
    Gives the remainder on division of Real by Integer. The returned value is of integer type.
    Syntax: mod(Real,Integer):Real
    Sample: Mod.CATPart
  • Cos(Real):Real, cosh (Real): Real
    Calculates the cosine(cos) or hyperbolic cosine(cosh).
    Real.1 = cos(PI*1rad/4)
    Real.1 = cos(45deg)
  • tan(Real): Real, tanh(Real): Real
    Calculates the tangent(tan) or hyperbolic tangent (tanh).
  • sin(Real):Real, sinh(Real):Real
    Calculates the sine or hyperbolic sine.
  • asin(Real):Real, asinh(Real):Real
    Calculates the arcsine or hyperbolic arcsine.
  • acos(Real):Real, acosh(Real):Real
    Calculates the arccosine or hyperbolic arccosine.
  • atan(Real):Real, atanh(Real):Real
    Calculates the arctangent or hyperbolic arctangent.
  • max(arg1: Real, arg2: Real, ...):Real
    Returns the highest parameter.
  • min(arg1: Real, arg2: Real, ...):Real
    Returns the smallest parameter.
  • not(Boolean):Boolean
    Verifies the contrary of the expression between parentheses.
    Example: not(A==B) is the equivalent of A<>B.
For these methods to be efficient, use real numbers only.