
AxisSystem (Object)

The object Axis System A axis system has got one origin point and three orthogonal axes, crossing at the origin point.

Property Index

Returns the rotation angle of an axis system.
Returns the reference for the axis rotation.
Returns True if the axis system is the current one, else returns False.
Returns or sets the geometric point which defines the origin of the axis system.
Returns or sets the way the origin point is defined.
Returns or sets the type of the axis system.
Reads or sets the geometric point, line or plane which defines the direction of the X axis.
Reads or sets the way the X axis is specified.
Reads or sets the geometric point, line or plane which defines the direction of the Y axis.
Reads or sets the way the Y axis is specified.
Reads or sets the geometric point, line or plane which defines the direction of the Z axis.
Reads or sets the way the Z axis is specified.

Method Index

Returns the Euler Angles of an axis system.
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the origin point of the axis system.
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the axes X and Y of the axis system.
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the X axis of the axis system.
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Y axis of the axis system.
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Z axis of the axis system.
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the origin point of the axis system.
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the axes X and Y of the axis system.
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the X axis of the axis system.
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Y axis of the axis system.
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Z axis of the axis system.


o Property AxisRotationAngle() As (Read Only)
Returns the rotation angle of an axis system. Succeeds only if the axis system is defined by a rotation around an axis, wich means that its type is catAxisSystemAxisRotation.
o Property AxisRotationReference() As
Returns the reference for the axis rotation. Succeeds only if the axis system is defined by a rotation around an axis, wich means that its type is catAxisSystemAxisRotation.
o Property IsCurrent() As
Returns True if the axis system is the current one, else returns False. Sets the axis system as the current one or not.
The following example returns in isCurrent True if the axis system axisSystem is the current one :
 isCurrent = axisSystem.IsCurrent
The following example sets the axis system axisSystem as the current one :
 axisSystem.IsCurrent = 1
The following example sets the axis system axisSystem as not the current one :
 axisSystem.IsCurrent = 0
o Property OriginPoint() As
Returns or sets the geometric point which defines the origin of the axis system.
OriginPoint is and must be a reference on a geometric 3D point.
The following example sets the point Point.1 of the Geometrical Set Geometrical Set.1 as the origin point of the axis system AxisSystem0:
 Dim HybridBody4 As AnyObject
 Set HybridBody4 = Body1.HybridBodies.Item  ( "Geometrical Set.1" ) 
 Dim HybridShapePointCoord5 As AnyObject
 Set HybridShapePointCoord5 = HybridBody4.HybridShapes.Item  ( "Point.1" ) 
 Dim Reference6 As Reference
 Set Reference6 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part.CreateReferenceFromGeometry  ( HybridShapePointCoord5 ) 
 AxisSystem0.OriginPoint = Reference6
o Property OriginType() As
Returns or sets the way the origin point is defined.
The origin point can be not specified, or be defined by coordinates or by a geometric point.
CATAxisSystemOriginType is the enumeration which describes how the origin point is defined :
If OriginType=0, the origin point is defined by a geometric point. If no point si selected, the origin will be automatically put at the intersection of the lines or planes defining the axes.
If OriginType=1, the origin is defined by three coordinates x,y,z. Then, the origin will allways stays at the position defined by the coordinates.
The following example prints the origin type :
 Catia.SystemService.Print " OriginType = " & axisSystem.OriginType
The following example sets the origin type to 1 :
 axisSystem.OriginType = 1
o Property Type() As
Returns or sets the type of the axis system. Sets the axis system type.
The following example returns in type1 the type of the axis system axisSystem1:
 type1 = axisSystem1.Type
The following example sets the type of the axis system axisSystem1 as standard:
 axisSystem1.Type = 0
The following example sets the type of the axis system axisSystem1 as axis rotation:
 axisSystem1.Type = 1
The following example sets the type of the axis system axisSystem1 as datum (explicit):
 axisSystem1.Type = 3
o Property XAxisDirection() As
Reads or sets the geometric point, line or plane which defines the direction of the X axis.
AxisDirection is and must be a reference on a 3D point or 3D line or plane.
The following example sets the point Point.1 of the Geometrical Set Geometrical Set.1 as the direction of the X axis of the axis system AxisSystem0:
 Dim HybridBody4 As AnyObject
 Set HybridBody4 = Body1.HybridBodies.Item  ( "Geometrical Set.1" ) 
 Dim HybridShapePointCoord5 As AnyObject
 Set HybridShapePointCoord5 = HybridBody4.HybridShapes.Item  ( "Point.1" ) 
 Dim Reference6 As Reference
 Set Reference6 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part.CreateReferenceFromGeometry  ( HybridShapePointCoord5 ) 
 AxisSystem0.XAxisDirection = Reference6
o Property XAxisType() As
Reads or sets the way the X axis is specified.
An axis X,Y, or Z of the axis system can be defined by a geometric point, line or plane, or by coordinates.
AxisType = 0 : The axis is defined by a geometric point, line or plane and with the same direction.
AxisType = 1 : The axis direction is defined by the three coordinates x,y,z, of a vector, to which the axis will allways stay parallel.
AxisType = 2 : the axis is defined by a geometric point, line or plane and with the opposite direction. Notice : If the X axis is neither defined by coordinates nor by a point,line or plane, the axis will be automatically computed in order to build an orthogonal axis sytem with the other specified axes.
The following example prints the X axis type :
 Catia.SystemService.Print " XAxisType = " & axisSystem.XAxisType
The following example sets the X axis type to 1 :
 axisSystem.XAxisType = 1
o Property YAxisDirection() As
Reads or sets the geometric point, line or plane which defines the direction of the Y axis.
AxisDirection is and must be a reference on a 3D point or 3D line or plane.
The following example sets the point Point.1 of the Geometrical Set Geometrical Set.1 as the direction of the Y axis of the axis system AxisSystem0:
 Dim HybridBody4 As AnyObject
 Set HybridBody4 = Body1.HybridBodies.Item  ( "Geometrical Set.1" ) 
 Dim HybridShapePointCoord5 As AnyObject
 Set HybridShapePointCoord5 = HybridBody4.HybridShapes.Item  ( "Point.1" ) 
 Dim Reference6 As Reference
 Set Reference6 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part.CreateReferenceFromGeometry  ( HybridShapePointCoord5 ) 
 AxisSystem0.YAxisDirection = Reference6
o Property YAxisType() As
Reads or sets the way the Y axis is specified.
An axis X,Y, or Z of the axis system can be defined by a geometric point, line or plane, or by coordinates.
AxisType = 0 : The axis is defined by a geometric point, line or plane and with the same direction.
AxisType = 1 : The axis direction is defined by the three coordinates x,y,z, of a vector, to which the axis will allways stay parallel.
AxisType = 2 : the axis is defined by a geometric point, line or plane and with the opposite direction. Notice : If the Y axis is neither defined by coordinates nor by a point,line or plane, the axis will be automatically computed in order to build an orthogonal axis sytem with the other specified axes.
The following example prints the Y axis type :
 Catia.SystemService.Print " YAxisType = " & axisSystem.YAxisType
The following example sets the Y axis type to 1 :
 axisSystem.YAxisType = 1
o Property ZAxisDirection() As
Reads or sets the geometric point, line or plane which defines the direction of the Z axis.
AxisDirection is and must be a reference on a 3D point or 3D line or plane.
The following example sets the point Point.1 of the Geometrical Set Geometrical Set.1 as the direction of the Z axis of the axis system AxisSystem0:
 Dim HybridBody4 As AnyObject
 Set HybridBody4 = Body1.HybridBodies.Item  ( "Geometrical Set.1" ) 
 Dim HybridShapePointCoord5 As AnyObject
 Set HybridShapePointCoord5 = HybridBody4.HybridShapes.Item  ( "Point.1" ) 
 Dim Reference6 As Reference
 Set Reference6 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part.CreateReferenceFromGeometry  ( HybridShapePointCoord5 ) 
 AxisSystem0.ZAxisDirection = Reference6
o Property ZAxisType() As
Reads or sets the way the Z axis is specified.
An axis X,Y, or Z of the axis system can be defined by a geometric point, line or plane, or by coordinates.
AxisType = 0 : The axis is defined by a geometric point, line or plane and with the same direction.
AxisType = 1 : The axis direction is defined by the three coordinates x,y,z, of a vector, to which the axis will allways stay parallel.
AxisType = 2 : the axis is defined by a geometric point, line or plane and with the opposite direction. Notice : If the Z axis is neither defined by coordinates nor by a point,line or plane, the axis will be automatically computed in order to build an orthogonal axis sytem with the other specified axes.
The following example prints the Z axis type :
 Catia.SystemService.Print " ZAxisType = " & axisSystem.ZAxisType
The following example sets the Z axis type to 1 :
 axisSystem.ZAxisType = 1


o Sub GetEulerAngles( oFirstAngle,
Returns the Euler Angles of an axis system. Succeeds only if the axis system is defined by Euler angles, wich means its type is catAxisSystemEulerAngles.
o Sub GetOrigin( oOrigin)
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the origin point of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the origin point of the axis system.
The following example retrieves in originCoord the coordinates of the origin point of the axisSystem axis system:
 Dim originCoord(2)
 axisSystem.GetOrigin originCoord
o Sub GetVectors( oVectorX,
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the axes X and Y of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the X axis vector of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the Y axis vector of the axis system.
The following example retrieves in vectorXCoord and vectorYCoord the coordinates of the vectors of the axisSystem axis system:
 Dim vectorXCoord(2)
 Dim vectorYCoord(2)
 axisSystem.GetVectors vectorXCoord, vectorYCoord
o Sub GetXAxis( oXAxis)
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the X axis of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the X axis of the axis system.
The following example retrieves in XAxisCoord the coordinates of the X axis of the axisSystem axis system:
 Dim XAxisCoord(2)
 axisSystem.GetXAxis XAxisCoord
o Sub GetYAxis( oYAxis)
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Y axis of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the Y axis of the axis system.
The following example retrieves in YAxisCoord the coordinates of the Y axis of the axisSystem axis system:
 Dim YAxisCoord(2)
 axisSystem.GetYAxis XAxisCoord
o Sub GetZAxis( oZAxis)
Returns the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Z axis of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the Z axis of the axis system.
The following example retrieves in ZAxisCoord the coordinates of the Z axis of the axisSystem axis system:
 Dim ZAxisCoord(2)
 axisSystem.GetZAxis ZAxisCoord
o Sub PutOrigin( iOrigin)
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the origin point of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the origin point of the axis system.
The following example puts in originCoord the new coordinates of the origin point of the axisSystem axis system:
 Dim originCoord(2)
 originCoord ( 0 )  = 100.000000
 originCoord ( 1 )  = 200.000000
 originCoord ( 2 )  = 10.000000
 axisSystem.PutOrigin originCoord
o Sub PutVectors( iVectorX,
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the axes X and Y of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the X axis vector of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the Y axis vector of the axis system.
The following example modifies in vectorXCoord and vectorYCoord the coordinates of the vectors of the axisSystem axis system:
 Dim vectorXCoord(2)
 vectorYCoord ( 0 )  = 1.000000
 vectorYCoord ( 1 )  = -1.000000
 vectorYCoord ( 2 )  = 0.000000
 Dim vectorYCoord(2)
 vectorYCoord ( 0 )  = 0.000000
 vectorYCoord ( 1 )  = 0.000000
 vectorYCoord ( 2 )  = 1.000000
 axisSystem.PutVectors vectorXCoord, vectorYCoord
o Sub PutXAxis( iXAxis)
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the X axis of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the X axis of the axis system.
The following example puts in XAxisCoord the new coordinates of the X axis of the axisSystem axis system:
 Dim XAxis(2)
 XAxis ( 0 )  = 100.000000
 XAxis ( 1 )  = 200.000000
 XAxis ( 2 )  = 10.000000
 axisSystem.PutXAxis XAxis
o Sub PutYAxis( iYAxis)
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Y axis of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the Y axis of the axis system.
The following example puts in XAxisCoord the new coordinates of the Y axis of the axisSystem axis system:
 Dim YAxis(2)
 YAxis ( 0 )  = 100.000000
 YAxis ( 1 )  = 200.000000
 YAxis ( 2 )  = 10.000000
 axisSystem.PutYAxis YAxis
o Sub PutZAxis( iZAxis)
Defines the coordinates X,Y,Z of the Z axis of the axis system.
A Safe Array made up of 3 doubles: X, Y, Z, representing the coordinates in model space of the Z axis of the axis system.
The following example puts in ZAxisCoord the new coordinates of the Z axis of the axisSystem axis system:
 Dim ZAxis(2)
 ZAxis ( 0 )  = 100.000000
 ZAxis ( 1 )  = 200.000000
 ZAxis ( 2 )  = 10.000000
 axisSystem.PutZAxis ZAxis

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