
DrawingView (Object)

Represents a drawing view in a drawing sheet.

The drawing view is included in a drawing sheet and contains texts,leaders, dimensions, arrows, pictures, tables, 2D Geometry and 2D component.
Warning: This interface is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.

Property Index

Returns or sets the angle of the drawing view.
Returns the drawing arrow collection of the drawing view.
Returns the drawing component instances collection (i.
Returns the drawing dimension collection of the drawing view.
Returns the 2D factory of the drawing view.
Returns or sets the drawing view frame visualization state.
Returns the generative behavior of the drawing view.
Returns the generative links of the drawing view.
Returns the collection of geometric elements included in the drawing view sketch.
Returns or sets the lock status of a drawing view.
Returns the drawing picture collection of the drawing view.
Returns or sets the reference view.
Returns or sets the scale of the drawing view (Workaround for VBA keyword).
Returns or sets the scale of the drawing view.
Returns the drawing table collection of the drawing view.
Returns the drawing text collection of the drawing view.
Returns the drawing thread collection of the drawing view.
Returns the drawing view type.
Returns the drawing welding collection of the drawing view.
Returns or sets the x coordinate of the drawing view coordinate system origin.
For an interactive view, get_x and put_x methods are equivalents to get_xAxisData, put_xAxisData In a generative case, get_x.
Returns or sets the y coordinate of the drawing view coordinate system origin.
For an interactive view, get_y and put_y methods are equivalents to get_yAxisData, put_yAxisData In a generative case, get_y.

Method Index

Activates the drawing view.
Activates the alignment with the reference view.
Returns the prefix, the ident and the suffix of the name of the drawing view.
Insert the Angle parameter in the text of the drawing text.
Insert the scale parameter in the text of the drawing text.
Returns whether the drawing view has a generative behavior.
Isolates the drawing view.
Saves the Sketch Edition.
Sets the prefix, the ident and the suffix of the name of the drawing view.
Returns the bounding box of the drawing view.
Deactivates the alignment with the reference view.


o Property Angle() As
Returns or sets the angle of the drawing view. The angle is measured between the axis system of the drawing view and the axis system of the drawing sheet where the drawing view lies. The angle is measured in radians and is counted counterclockwise.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example sets the angle of the MyView drawing view to 90 degrees clockwise. You first need to compute the angle in radians and set the minus sign to indicate the rotation is clockwise.
 PI = 3.1415926535
 Angle90Clockwise = -PI/2
 MyView.Angle = Angle90Clockwise
o Property Arrows() As (Read Only)
Returns the drawing arrow collection of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves in ArrowCollection the collection of arrows of the MyView drawing view.
 Dim ArrowCollection As DrawingArrows
 Set ArrowCollection = MyView.Arrows
o Property Components() As (Read Only)
Returns the drawing component instances collection (i.e. ditto collection) of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves in ComponentCollection the collection of component instances of the MyView drawing view.
 Dim ComponentCollection As DrawingComponents
 Set ComponentCollection = MyView.Components
o Property Dimensions() As (Read Only)
Returns the drawing dimension collection of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves in DimensionCollection the collection of dimensions of the MyView drawing view.
 Dim DimensionCollection As DrawingDimensions
 Set DimensionCollection = MyView.Dimensions
o Property Factory2D() As (Read Only)
Returns the 2D factory of the drawing view. Take care that you must open edition on a sketch before adding or modifying elements in it. Take care that you must close edition on a sketch to keep all modifications before saving document.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design. To get Sketch from factory2D:
  Set mySketch = my2DFactory.GetParent
The following example returns in my2DFactory the 2D factory
of the view myView:
 Set my2DFactory = myView.Factory2D
o Property FrameVisualization() As
Returns or sets the drawing view frame visualization state.
True if the drawing view frame is visible.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example shows the frame of the MyView drawing view.
 MyView.FrameVisualization = True
o Property GenerativeBehavior() As (Read Only)
Returns the generative behavior of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves in MyViewGenBehavior the generative behavior of the MyView drawing view.
 Dim MyViewGenBehavior As DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
 Set MyViewGenBehavior = MyView.GenerativeBehavior
o Property GenerativeLinks() As (Read Only)
Returns the generative links of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves in MyViewGenLinks the generative links of the MyView drawing view.
 Dim MyViewGenLinks As DrawingViewGenerativeLinks
 Set MyViewGenLinks = MyView.GenerativeLinks
o Property GeometricElements() As (Read Only)
Returns the collection of geometric elements included in the drawing view sketch.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
The following example returns in colGeometry the list of geometric elements in the view myView:
 Dim colGeometry As GeometricElements
 Set colGeometry = myView.GeometricElements
o Property LockStatus() As
Returns or sets the lock status of a drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
precondition: This property does not exist for the detail view. In this case, the method returns failed.
This example locks the ViewToWorkOn drawing view.
 ViewToWorkOn.LockStatus = True
o Property Pictures() As (Read Only)
Returns the drawing picture collection of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves in PictureCollection the collection of pictures of the MyView drawing view.
 Dim PictureCollection As DrawingPictures
 Set PictureCollection = MyView.Pictures
o Property ReferenceView() As
Returns or sets the reference view. The reference view is also the parent view to which the current drawing view is linked and which is used as reference for alignment. Generally, the reference view is the front view, and the other views, such as the top, bottom, left, and right views, are linked to it. This reference drawing view is used:
  • When moving the current drawing view. Its location remains constrained to the reference view, depending on its type. For example, a left view can move horizontally and a top view can move vertically.
  • To update the scale of the current drawing view according to the modification performed to the one of the reference drawing view.

Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves in ReferenceView the view used as reference by the MyView drawing view.
 Dim ReferenceView As DrawingView
 Set ReferenceView = MyView.RefView
o Property Scale2() As
Returns or sets the scale of the drawing view (Workaround for VBA keyword).
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example sets the scale of the MyView drawing view to 0.5.
 MyView.Scale2 = 0.5
o Property Scale() As
Returns or sets the scale of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example sets the scale of the MyView drawing view to 0.5.
 MyView.Scale = 0.5
o Property Tables() As (Read Only)
Returns the drawing table collection of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves in TextCollection the collection of texts of the MyView drawing view.
 Dim TableCollection As DrawingTables
 Set TableCollection = MyView.Tables
o Property Texts() As (Read Only)
Returns the drawing text collection of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves in TextCollection the collection of texts of the MyView drawing view.
 Dim TextCollection As DrawingTexts
 Set TextCollection = MyView.Texts
o Property Threads() As (Read Only)
Returns the drawing thread collection of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves in ThreadCollection the collection of threads of the MyView drawing view.
 Dim ThreadCollection As DrawingThreads
 Set ThreadCollection = MyView.Threads
o Property ViewType() As (Read Only)
Returns the drawing view type.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
o Property Weldings() As (Read Only)
Returns the drawing welding collection of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves in weldingCollection the collection of weldings of the MyView drawing view.
 Dim weldingCollection As DrawingWeldings
 Set weldingCollection = MyView.Weldings
o Property xAxisData() As
Returns or sets the x coordinate of the drawing view coordinate system origin. It is expressed with respect to the sheet coordinate system. This coordinate, like any length, is measured in millimeters.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves the x coordinate of the coordinate system origin of the MyView drawing view.
 X = MyView.xAxisData
o Property x() As
For an interactive view, get_x and put_x methods are equivalents to get_xAxisData, put_xAxisData In a generative case, get_x. put_x returns or sets the x coordinate of the projection of the 3D centre of gravity. It is expressed with respect to the sheet coordinate system. This coordinate, like any length, is measured in millimeters.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example retrieves the x coordinate of the view relative position MyView.
 X = MyView.x
o Property yAxisData() As
Returns or sets the y coordinate of the drawing view coordinate system origin. It is expressed with respect to the sheet coordinate system. This coordinate, like any length, is measured in millimeters.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example sets the y coordinate of the coordinate system origin of the MyView drawing view to 5 inches. You need first to convert the 5 inches into millimeters.
 NewYCoordinate = 5*25.4
 MyView.yAxisData = NewYCoordinate
o Property y() As
For an interactive view, get_y and put_y methods are equivalents to get_yAxisData, put_yAxisData In a generative case, get_y. put_y returns or sets the y coordinate of the projection of the 3D centre of gravity. It is expressed with respect to the sheet coordinate system. This coordinate, like any length, is measured in millimeters.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example sets the y coordinate of the view relative position MyView to 5 inches. You need first to convert the 5 inches into millimeters.
 NewYCoordinate = 5*25.4
 MyView.y = NewYCoordinate


o Sub Activate()
Activates the drawing view. Activating a drawing view means that this drawing view is the one on which the end-user is now working.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example activates the ViewToWorkOn drawing view.
o Sub AlignedWithReferenceView()
Activates the alignment with the reference view. Activating the alignment with the reference view restores the constraints that the reference view imposes to the current drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example activates the alignment from the MyView drawing view to its reference view.
o Sub GetViewName( iViewNamePrefix,
Returns the prefix, the ident and the suffix of the name of the drawing view. The method returns an error in case of 2D component reference.
Note: Prefix of drawing view can be also retrieved across name property defined in CATIABase
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example gets the prefix, the ident, and the suffix of the name of the MyView drawing view
 Dim MyPrefix, MyIdent, MySuffix As CATBSTR
 MyView.GetViewName (MyPrefix, MyIdent, MySuffix)
o Sub InsertViewAngle( iFirst,
Insert the Angle parameter in the text of the drawing text.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
The first character from which the parameter is inserted
The text on wich the scale parameter will be inserted
This example insert the Angle parameter of MyView drawing view at the end of MyText drawing text.

 index = Len(MyText.Text)+1
 MyView.InsertViewScale index, MyText
o Sub InsertViewScale( iFirst,
Insert the scale parameter in the text of the drawing text.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
The first character from which the parameter is inserted
The text on wich the scale parameter will be inserted
This example insert the Scale parameter of MyView drawing view at the first character of MyText drawing text.

 MyView.InsertViewScale 1, MyText
o Func IsGenerative() As
Returns whether the drawing view has a generative behavior.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
True if the drawing view has a generative behavior.
This example retrieves in GenView if the MyView drawing view has a generative behavior property set.
 GenView = MyView.IsGenerative()
o Sub Isolate()
Isolates the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example isolates the MyView drawing view.
o Sub SaveEdition()
Saves the Sketch Edition. Once you have finished working with the drawing view, you must save its edition in order to register modification for UNDO/REDO. Indeed when activating a view, this view is open in edition while the previous active view is closed in edition. So calling SaveEdition() before exiting a macro without changing active view will allow a correct UNDO/REDO behavior.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
The following example saves the edition of the drawing view MyView:
o Sub SetViewName( iViewNamePrefix,
Sets the prefix, the ident and the suffix of the name of the drawing view. The method returns an error in case of 2D component reference.
Note: Prefix of drawing view can be also modified across name property defined in CATIABase
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example sets the prefix, the ident, and the suffix of the name of the MyView drawing view respectively to "MyPrefix", "MyIdent", and "MySuffix".
 MyView.SetViewName ("MyPrefix", "MyIdent", "MySuffix")
o Sub Size( oValues)
Returns the bounding box of the drawing view.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
The values of the view bounding box: Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax
This example gets the bounding box of the ViewToWorkOn drawing view.
 Dim oXY(4) As Double
 ViewToWorkOn.Size oXY
 Xmin = oXY(0)
 Xmax = oXY(1)
 Ymin = oXY(2)
 Ymax = oXY(3)
o Sub UnAlignedWithReferenceView()
Deactivates the alignment with the reference view. Deactivating the alignment to the reference view removes the constraints that the reference view imposes to the current drawing view. You can then, for example, move and position it freely.
Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design.
This example deactivates the alignment from the MyView drawing view to its reference view.

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