
HybridBodies (Collection)

A collection of the HybridBody objects.

Method Index

Creates a new hybrid body and adds it to the HybridBodies collection.
Returns a body using its index or its name from the Bodies collection.


o Func Add() As
Creates a new hybrid body and adds it to the HybridBodies collection. This body becomes the current one
The created body
The following example creates a body named newHybridBody in the hybrid body collection of the rootPart part in the partDoc part document. NewPartBody becomes the current body in partDoc.
 Set NewPartBody = rootPart.Bodies.AddPartBody()
o Func Item( iIndex) As
Returns a body using its index or its name from the Bodies collection.
The index or the name of the hybrid body to retrieve from the collection of hybrid bodies. As a numerics, this index is the rank of the hybrid body in the collection. The index of the first hybrid body in the collection is 1, and the index of the last hybrid body is Count. As a string, it is the name you assigned to the hybrid body using the
AnyObject.Name property.
The retrieved hybrid body
This example retrieves in ThisHybridBody the fifth hybrid body in the collection and in ThatHybridBody the hybrid body named MyHybridBody in the hybrid body collection of the partDoc part document.
 Set hybridBodyColl = partDoc.Part.HybridBodies
 Set ThisHybridBody = hybridBodyColl.Item(5)
 Set ThatHybridBody = hybridBodyColl.Item("MyHybridBody")

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