
HybridShapeBoundary (Object)

Represents the hybrid shape boundary feature object.
Role: To access the data of the hybrid shape boundary feature object. This data includes:

Use the CATIAHybridShapeFactory to create a HybridShapeBoundary object.

See also:

Property Index

Gets or sets the Ending Limit Orientation (i.
Removes or sets the ending limit(i.
Returns or sets the element used to initialize the boundary propagation.
Returns or sets the boundary propagation.
Returns or sets the support surface around which the boundary is computed.
Gets or sets the Starting Limit Orientation (i.
Removes or sets the starting limit(i.


o Property FromOrientation() As
Gets or sets the Ending Limit Orientation (i.e same or inverse)
o Property From() As
Removes or sets the ending limit(i.e Limit2) of the boundary
o Property InitialElement() As
Returns or sets the element used to initialize the boundary propagation.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): BiDimFeatEdge.
This example retrieves in InitElem the initial element of the ShpBoundary hybrid shape boundary feature.
 Dim InitElem As Reference
 InitElem = ShpBoundary.InitialElement
o Property Propagation() As
Returns or sets the boundary propagation.
Legal values: xxxxxxxxxx
This example retrieves in Prop the boundary propagation of the ShpBoundary hybrid shape boundary feature.
 Prop = ShpBoundary.Propagation
o Property Support() As
Returns or sets the support surface around which the boundary is computed.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): Face.
This example retrieves in SupSurf the initial element of the ShpBoundary hybrid shape boundary feature.
 Dim SupSurf As Reference
 SupSurf = ShpBoundary.Support
o Property ToOrientation() As
Gets or sets the Starting Limit Orientation (i.e same or inverse)
o Property To() As
Removes or sets the starting limit(i.e Limit1) of the boundary

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