
HybridShapeTransfer (Object)

Represents the hybrid shape Transfer feature object.
Role: To access the data of the hybrid shape Transfer feature object. This data includes:

Use the CATIAHybridShapeFactory to create a HybridShapeTransfer object.

See also:

Property Index

Returns or sets the element to transfer.
Returns or sets the surface to unfold.
Returns or sets the type of transfer.
Returns or sets the type of unfold to take into account during transfer.
Returns or sets the unfolded surface.


o Property ElementToTransfer() As
Returns or sets the element to transfer.
o Property SurfaceToUnfold() As
Returns or sets the surface to unfold.
o Property TypeOfTransfer() As
Returns or sets the type of transfer.
  • 0= The type of surface is not defined
  • 1= The type of transfer is folded to unfolded
  • 2= The type of surface is unfolded to folded
o Property UnfoldType() As
Returns or sets the type of unfold to take into account during transfer.
  • 0= The type is undefined
  • 1= The surface to unfold is ruled,
  • 2= the surface to unfold is all
o Property UnfoldedSurface() As
Returns or sets the unfolded surface.

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