
HybridShapeTranslate (Object)

Represents the hybrid shape translate feature object.
Role: To access the data of the hybrid shape translate feature object. This data includes:

LICENSING INFORMATION: Creation of volume result requires GSO License
if GSO License is not granted , settting of Volume context has not effect

Use the CATIAHybridShapeFactory to create HybridShapeFeature object.

See also:

Property Index

Returns or sets the translate X coordinate value.
Returns or sets the translate Y coordinate value.
Returns or sets the translate Z coordinate value.
Returns or sets the translate direction.
Returns or sets the translate distance value.
Returns the translate distance.
Returns or sets the element to translate.
Returns or sets the first point defining the translation.
Returns or Sets the reference Axis System for Translate feature.
Returns or sets the second point defining the translation.
Returns or sets the way the translation vector is defined.
Returns or sets the volume result.

Method Index

Gets the creation mode.
Sets the creation mode(creation or modification).


o Property CoordXValue() As
Returns or sets the translate X coordinate value.
o Property CoordYValue() As
Returns or sets the translate Y coordinate value.
o Property CoordZValue() As
Returns or sets the translate Z coordinate value.
o Property Direction() As
Returns or sets the translate direction.
This example retrieves in Dir the translation direction for the Translate hybrid shape feature.
 Dim Dir As CATIAHybridShapeDirection
 Set Dir=Translate.Direction
o Property DistanceValue() As
Returns or sets the translate distance value.
This example retrieves in DistVal the translation distance value for the Translate hybrid shape feature.
 Dim DistVal As double
 Set DistVal =Translate.DistanceValue
o Property Distance() As (Read Only)
Returns the translate distance.
o Property ElemToTranslate() As
Returns or sets the element to translate.
This example retrieves in Element the element to be translated for the Translate hybrid shape feature.
 Dim Element As Reference
 Set Element=Translate.ElemToTranslate
o Property FirstPoint() As
Returns or sets the first point defining the translation.
o Property RefAxisSystem() As
Returns or Sets the reference Axis System for Translate feature.
This data is not mandatory, if element is null, the absolute axis system is taken.
When an element is given, X, Y and Z are considered in this Axis system.
This example retrieves in oRefAxis the reference Axis System for Translate feature.
 Dim oRefAxis As CATIAReference
 Set oRefAxis  = Translate.RefAxisSystem
o Property SecondPoint() As
Returns or sets the second point defining the translation.
o Property VectorType() As
Returns or sets the way the translation vector is defined.
  • 0= Direction + distance
  • 1= point + points
  • 2= coordinates
  • 3= Unknown type
o Property VolumeResult() As
Returns or sets the volume result.
Legal values: True if the result of translation is required as volume (option is effective only in case of volumes,requires GSO License) and False if it is needed as surface .
This example sets that the result of the hybShpTranslate hybrid shape translate is volume.
 hybShpTranslate.VolumeResult = True


o Func GetCreationMode() As
Gets the creation mode.
Legal values:
CATGSMTransfoModeUnset. Default behavior: creation mode by default for all features, modification mode for axis system
CATGSMTransfoModeCreation. Creation mode.
CATGSMTransfoModeModification. Modification mode.
This example retrieves in oCreation the creation mode for the hybShpTranslate hybrid shape feature.
 oCreation = hybShpTranslate.GetCreationMode
o Sub SetCreationMode( iCreation)
Sets the creation mode(creation or modification).
Legal values: True if the result is a creation feature and False if the result is a modification feature.
This example sets that the mode of the hybShpTranslate hybrid shape translate to creation
 hybShpTranslate.SetCreationMode True

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