
InteropSettingAtt (Object)

Represents the object to handle the setting parameters of the "V4 Data Reading" tab page.
Role: This interface is implemented by a component named CATV4IInteropSettingCtrl which represents the controller of the Setting. The setting parameters of the tab are the following: To access this property page:
This interface defines:

Property Index

Retrieves or sets the value of the "Reading Code page" setting parameter.
Retrieves the location of the "Characters Equivalence Table Path" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Display only elements with Sensitive Attribute" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Display 3D elements labels" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the "DLNAME" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Open in Light Mode: 2D Data are not taken into account" setting parameter.
Retrieves or sets the value of the "PROJECT File Path" setting parameter.

Method Index

Retrieves information about the "Reading Code page" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Characters Equivalence Table Path" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Display only elements with Sensitive Attribute" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Display 3D elements labels" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "DlNAME" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Open in Light Mode: 2D Data are not taken into account" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "PROJECT File Path" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Reading Code page" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Characters Equivalence Table Path" setting parameter.
Retrieves information about the "Display only elements with Sensitive Attribute" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Display 3D elements labels" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "DLNAME" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "Open in Light Mode: 2D Data are not taken into account" setting parameter.
Locks or unlocks the "PROJECT File Path" setting parameter.


o Property Code_page() As
Retrieves or sets the value of the "Reading Code page" setting parameter.
Role: The "Reading Code page" declares the language to identify the data read if this data is not labeled. It is stored in the CATIA data to be written when saving Version 5 CATPart documents as CATIA Version 4 models.
o Property Conversion_Table() As
Retrieves the location of the "Characters Equivalence Table Path" setting parameter.
Role: The "Characters Equivalence Table" allows to convert characters contained in CATIA V4 documents. It is mainly used to generate V5 compliant names from V4 names by replacing special characters (", *, /, etc...) by standard characters.
o Property DisplayMode() As
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Display only elements with Sensitive Attribute" setting parameter.
Role: The "Display only elements with Sensitive Attribute" mode enables you to decide whether to display or not the elements which were sensitive to the shading mode in CATIA Version 4.
o Property DisplayV4Text3D() As
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Display 3D elements labels" setting parameter.
Role: The "Display 3D elements labels" mode is activated in order to enable the reading of the 3D text associated to the V4 elements.
o Property Dlname() As
Retrieves or sets the "DLNAME" setting parameter.
Role: Retrieves the DLNAME referenced by the Model.
o Property Draw() As
Retrieves or sets the state of the "Open in Light Mode: 2D Data are not taken into account" setting parameter.
Role: This mode is activated in order to disable the reading of DRAW data in a V4 Model.
o Property PROJECT_File_Path() As
Retrieves or sets the value of the "PROJECT File Path" setting parameter.
Role: The "PROJECT File Path" field contains the location of the external project file referenced by the V4 model.


o Func GetCode_pageInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Reading Code page" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetConversion_TableInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Characters Equivalence Table Path" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetDisplayModeInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Display only elements with Sensitive Attribute" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetDisplayV4Text3DInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Display 3D elements labels" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetDlnameInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "DlNAME" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetDrawInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "Open in Light Mode: 2D Data are not taken into account" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Func GetPROJECT_File_PathInfo( AdminLevel,
oLocked) As
Retrieves information about the "PROJECT File Path" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetCode_pageLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Reading Code page" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetConversion_TableLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Characters Equivalence Table Path" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetDisplayModeLock( iLock)
Retrieves information about the "Display only elements with Sensitive Attribute" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetDisplayV4Text3DLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Display 3D elements labels" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetDlnameLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "DLNAME" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetDrawLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "Open in Light Mode: 2D Data are not taken into account" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.
o Sub SetPROJECT_File_PathLock( iLock)
Locks or unlocks the "PROJECT File Path" setting parameter.
Refer to
SettingController for a detailed description.

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