
MHILoadParameters (Object)

Interface representing a means to set information that is needed for the load and also to retrieve this information on the loaded document.
Note: All the IDs in the Get and Set methods defined in this inteface deal with Object ID (attribute name: oid), not the Object UUID (attribute name: objectuuid)

Access to this interface is provided via DNBIAMHIOpenAccess and DNBIAMHISaveAccess. Applications and CAA partners should NOT implement this interface.

Method Index

Gets the "subcompitem" IDs (oid) of the Branch.
Gets the ID (oid) of the loaded detailing
Gets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of the process tree selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID is supplied as the BOM
Gets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of the product BOM selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID is supplied as the BOM
Gets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of the resource tree selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID is supplied as the BOM
Gets the "ergocompbase" ID (oid) of the selected object (object used to start the load)
Sets the "subcompitem" IDs (oid) of the Branch.
Sets the ID (oid) of detailing to be loaded
Specifies the filters to be applied while loading the project.
Sets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of process tree selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID has to be supplied
Sets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of product BOM selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID has to be supplied
Sets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of resource tree selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID has to be supplied
Sets the "ergocompbase" ID (oid) of selected object (object use to start the load).


o Func GetBranchIDs() As
Gets the "subcompitem" IDs (oid) of the Branch. Branch is a list of parents of the selected object. Please refer to the following PES for details on Branch. "PES_DELMIA_V5R17_Manufacturing Hub Infrastructure_Manufacturing Hub Integration_R17MHI031_ExposeLoadSave.doc"
For the following structure, if PWP is the object loaded,
the branch is the "subcompitem" ID of PWP, the "subcompitem" ID of WP and the "subcompitem" ID of PP.
Note: The list will be filled in that order.
[out] List of IDs of the Branch in the order mentioned above
S_OK in one/more IDs returned S_FALSE if empty output list
o Func GetDetailingID() As
Gets the ID (oid) of the loaded detailing
[inout] ID of the loaded detailing
S_OK if non-empty string returned S_FALSE if empty string
o Func GetProcessTreeID() As
Gets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of the process tree selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID is supplied as the BOM
[inout] ID of the select process tree
S_OK if non-empty string returned S_FALSE if empty string
o Func GetProductBOMID() As
Gets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of the product BOM selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID is supplied as the BOM
[inout] ID of the select product BOM
S_OK if non-empty string returned S_FALSE if empty string
o Func GetResourceTreeID() As
Gets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of the resource tree selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID is supplied as the BOM
[inout] ID of the select resource tree
S_OK if non-empty string returned S_FALSE if empty string
o Func GetSelectedObjectID() As
Gets the "ergocompbase" ID (oid) of the selected object (object used to start the load)
[inout] ID of the selected object
S_OK if non-empty string returned S_FALSE if empty string
o Sub SetBranchIDs( iListBranchIDs)
Sets the "subcompitem" IDs (oid) of the Branch. Branch is a list of parents of the selected object. Please refer to the following PES for details on Branch. "PES_DELMIA_V5R17_Manufacturing Hub Infrastructure_Manufacturing Hub Integration_R17MHI031_ExposeLoadSave.doc"
For the following structure, if PWP is the object to be loaded,
the branch is the "subcompitem" ID of PWP, the "subcompitem" ID of WP and the "subcompitem" ID of PP.
Note: The list MUST be filled in that order.
[in] List of IDs of the Branch in the order mentioned above
S_OK in all cases
o Sub SetDetailingID( iDetailingID)
Sets the ID (oid) of detailing to be loaded
[in] ID of the detailing
S_OK in all cases
o Sub SetFilters( iFilters)
Specifies the filters to be applied while loading the project.
 In case of P,P,R filters, either
  (a) A Filter string can be supplied OR
  (b) A Calculation Model ID can be supplied
 Note: Calculation Model filters MUST only be supplied through their IDs. 

 In case of extended filters, either
  (a) A Filter string can be supplied OR
  (b) A Calculation Model ID can be supplied OR
  (c) Both string AND Model ID can be supplied (Combined effectivity case)
 Note: Calculation Model filters MUST only be supplied through their IDs. 

 In case of effectivity filter mode, one of the following rules can be supplied
  (a) Give the objects whose begin & end dates contains the begin & end date filters values.
      The rule value is 1.
  (b) Give the object whose begin & end dates are with in the begin & end dates filter values.
      The rule value is 2.
  (c) Give the object whose begin date value is lesser than the begin date filter value &
      the end date value on the object is contained with in the begin & end date filter values.
      The rule value is 4.
  (d) Give the object whose begin date value is contained with in the begin & end date filter values &
      the end date value on the object is greater than the end date filter value.
      The rule value is 8.
  (e) Give the object whose begin & end dates exactly match with that of the begin & end date filter values
      The rule value is 16.
 Note: Combination of the above said rules can also be used.
      For example: If the user wants the combination of rule a & c, then the value of 5 should be passed
 Note: If the user has not specified any value for this filter, then a default value of 31 (combination of all rules) will be used.
  The filters to be set. This is a list of values separated by XML type tags
  The following tags are supported 
     <ProcessFilter>Filter Value</ProcessFilter>
     <ProcessFilterCalcModelID>ID of Calculation Model Filter</ProcessFilterCalcModelID>  
     <ProductFilter>Filter Value</ProductFilter>
     <ProductFilterCalcModelID>ID of Calculation Model Filter</ProductFilterCalcModelID>
     <ResourceFilter>Filter Value</ResourceFilter>
     <ResourceFilterCalcModelID>ID of Calculation Model Filter</ResourceFilterCalcModelID>
     <StartDateEffectivityFilter>Filter Value</StartDateEffectivityFilter>
     <EndDateEffectivityFilter>Filter Value</EndDateEffectivityFilter>
     <EffectivityFilterMode>Filter Value</EffectivityFilterMode>
     <LineNumberFilter>Filter Value</LineNumberFilter>
     <LabelFilter>Filter Value</LabelFilter>
     <ModStatementFilterID>Filter Value</ModStatementFilterID>
     <PlanningStateOwnerFilterID>ID of Planning State</PlanningStateOwnerFilterID>
     <PlanningStateOtherFilterID>ID of Planning State</PlanningStateOtherFilterID>
     <ApplyImplicitFilter>TRUE or FALSE</ApplyImplicitFilter>
     <ProcessExtendedEffectivityFilter>Filter Value</ProcessExtendedEffectivityFilter>
     <ProcessExtendedEffectivityFilterCalcModelID>ID of Calculation Model Filter</ProcessExtendedEffectivityFilterCalcModelID>
     <ProductExtendedEffectivityFilter>Filter Value</ProductExtendedEffectivityFilter>
     <ProductExtendedEffectivityFilterCalcModelID>ID of Calculation Model Filter</ProductExtendedEffectivityFilterCalcModelID>
     <ResourceExtendedEffectivityFilter>Filter Value</ResourceExtendedEffectivityFilter> 
     <ResourceExtendedEffectivityFilterCalcModelID>ID of Calculation Model Filter</ResourceExtendedEffectivityFilterCalcModelID>
  Attribute filters can be supplied using the following tags
          <PlanTypeName>Name of the Plantype</PlanTypeName>
          <AttributeName>Name of the Attribute</AttributeName>
          <Operator>Type of Operator. See list of legal values below</Operator>
          <AttributeValue>Value of the Attribute</AttributeValue>
          Add more <AttributeValue>...</AttributeValue> if more attribute values need to be specified
       Add more <AttributeFilter>...</AttributeFilter> if more attribute filters need to be specified
       Add <AttributeFilter>...</AttributeFilter> as specified above
       Add <AttributeFilter>...</AttributeFilter> as specified above
Note: Instead of specifying plantype name, the object typename (e.g., "ergocompprocessdefault, "ergocomporgprocess", etc) can also be supplied if filter is to be applicable to all plantypes
Note: For the <Operator> tag, the following are the legal values
iFilters = "<ProcessFilter>Process Type A</ProcessFilter><LabelFilter>Label B</LabelFilter><LineNumberFilter>10</LineNumberFilter>"
The order is NOT important. e.g., "<LabelFilter>...</LabelFilter>" can come before "<ProcessFilter>...</ProcessFilter>"
Example with attribute filers. Assuming user wishes to filter on Line Number 10 and load only those Workplans that are labelled "Workplan A" and "Workplan C"
iFilters = "<LineNumberFilter>10</LineNumberFilter><AttributeFilters><ProcessAttributeFilters><AttributeFilter> <PlanTypeName>Workplan</PlanTypeName> <AttributeName>name</AttributeName> <Operator>=</Operator> <AttributeValue>Workplan A</AttributeValue> <AttributeValue>Workplan C</AttributeValue> </AttributeFilter></ProcessAttributeFilters></AttributeFilters>"
S_OK if all OK E_INVALIDARG if incorrect input format
o Sub SetProcessTreeID( iProcessTreeID)
Sets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of process tree selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID has to be supplied
[in] ID of the process tree
S_OK in all cases
o Sub SetProductBOMID( iProductBOMID)
Sets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of product BOM selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID has to be supplied
[in] ID of the product BOM
S_OK in all cases
o Sub SetResourceTreeID( iResourceTreeID)
Sets the "subcompitem" ID (oid) of resource tree selected for the load For the topmost node in the tree, since no "subcompitem" ID is available, the "ergocompbase" ID has to be supplied
[in] ID of the resource tree
S_OK in all cases
o Sub SetSelectedObjectID( iSelectedObjectID)
Sets the "ergocompbase" ID (oid) of selected object (object use to start the load).
[in] ID of the selected object
S_OK in all cases

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