
ManufacturingTool (Object)

A ManufacturingTool for a Manufacturing Document.

Property Index

Return the Default Comment of a Manufacturing Setup.
Retreive the number of correctors of a Manufacturing tool.
Give the Number og attributes of a Manufacturing Tool.
Return the path where a picture of the parametrized tool is stored.
Give the Number linked to a Manufacturing Tool.
Return the technological type of a the tool.

Method Index

Adds a corrector to a Manufacturing tool.
Retrieve the NLS name from the attribute name of a Manufacturing Tool.
Retrieve by is name the attribute of a Manufacturing Tool.
Retreive the corrector (index) of a Manufacturing tool.
Retrieve the list of apt definition parameters of a Manufacturing Tool.
Retrieve the list of attribute units of a Manufacturing Tool.
Retrieve the list of attributes of a Manufacturing Tool.
Retrieve the list of geometry attributes of a Manufacturing Tool.


o Property Comment() As (Read Only)
Return the Default Comment of a Manufacturing Setup.
The following example return the comment ToolComment of to the manufacturing tool CurrentTool
o Property CorrectorCount() As (Read Only)
Retreive the number of correctors of a Manufacturing tool.
The following example retreives in CorrCount the number of tool correctors of tool CurrentTool
 Set NbCorr = CurrentTool.CorrectorCount
o Property NumberOfAttributes() As (Read Only)
Give the Number og attributes of a Manufacturing Tool.
The following example returns the Number of attributes of the manufacturing Tool CurrentTool
 Number = CurrentTool.NumberOfAttributes
o Property Picture() As (Read Only)
Return the path where a picture of the parametrized tool is stored.
The following example return the path PicturePath where can be found the picture of the tool CurrentTool
o Property ToolNumber() As (Read Only)
Give the Number linked to a Manufacturing Tool.
The following example returns the Number linked to the manufacturing Tool CurrentTool
 Number = CurrentTool.ToolNumber
o Property ToolType() As (Read Only)
Return the technological type of a the tool.
The following example return the tool type ToolType of to the manufacturing tool CurrentTool
 Set ToolType=CurrentTool.ToolType


o Func AddCorrector() As
Adds a corrector to a Manufacturing tool.
The following example adds in Corr the tool corrector of Tool CurrentTool
 Set Corr = CurrentTool.AddCorrector
o Func GetAttributeNLSName( iAttributName) As
Retrieve the NLS name from the attribute name of a Manufacturing Tool.
o Func GetAttribute( iAttribut) As
Retrieve by is name the attribute of a Manufacturing Tool.
Each attribute is a CKE object.
The following example retreives in Diameter the attribute MfgDiameter of the Manufacturing Tool firstTool
 Set Diameter = firstTool.GetAttribute(MfgDiameter)
o Func GetCorrector( index) As
Retreive the corrector (index) of a Manufacturing tool.
The following example retreives in Corr the tool corrector of Tool CurrentTool
 Set Corr = CurrentTool.GetCorrector(index)
o Sub GetListOfAptParameters( oListOfAptParameters)
Retrieve the list of apt definition parameters of a Manufacturing Tool.
Parameters are returned in an array of real values.
o Sub GetListOfAttributeUnits( oListOfAttributeUnits)
Retrieve the list of attribute units of a Manufacturing Tool.
The number of items in the output array is equal to the number of attributes of the tool.
When an attribute has no unit definition, the corresponding unit item in the output array is a blank string.
The following example retrieves in TabAttributeUnits the list of attribute units of the Manufacturing Tool firstTool
 call firstTool.GetListOfAttributeUnits(TabAttributeUnits)
o Sub GetListOfAttributes( oListOfAttributes)
Retrieve the list of attributes of a Manufacturing Tool.
Each attribute is returned as the name of a CKE object.
The following example retrieves in TabAttributes the list of attributes of the Manufacturing Tool firstTool
 call firstTool.GetListOfAttributes(TabAttributes)
o Sub GetListOfGeomAttributes( oListOfAttributes)
Retrieve the list of geometry attributes of a Manufacturing Tool.
Each attribute is returned as the name of a CKE object.
The following example retrieves in TabGeomAttributes the list of geometry attributes of the Manufacturing Tool firstTool
 call firstTool.GetListOfGeomAttributes(TabAttributes)

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