
RenderingLight (Object)

Represents a Rendering Light object.

Property Index

Returns or sets the light active status.
Returns or sets the light ambient intensity of a light.
Returns or sets the light angle of a spot light.
Changes the number of samples taken in U direction of the area source.
Changes the number of samples taken in V direction of the area source.
Returns or sets the light area visibility status.
Returns or sets the light attenuation angle ratio.
Returns or sets the light attenuation start ratio.
Changes the maximum number of caustic photons to emit from the light source.
Returns or sets the cylinder light area radius.
Returns or sets the cylinder light area radius.
Returns or sets the light diffuse intensity of a light.
Returns or sets the disk light area radius.
Returns or sets the light maximum distance of illumination.
Changes the factor for indirect illumination energy.
Changes the light falloff exponent.
Changes the maximum number of global illumination photons to emit from the light source.
Returns or sets the light shadow smoothing.
Returns or sets the light shadow status on environmemt.
Returns or sets the light shadow transparency.
Changes the indirect illumination status.
Returns or sets the light intensity of a light.
Returns or sets the light area type.
Returns or sets the light mode.
Returns or sets the light area length.
Returns or sets the light area width.
Returns or sets the light shadow fitting mode.
Returns or sets the light shadow map size.
Returns or sets the light shadow status on objet.
Returns or sets the light shadow status.
Returns or sets the light specular intensity of a light.
Returns or sets the sphere light area radius.
Returns or sets the light type.

Method Index

Returns the color of a light.
Returns the coordinates of the origin of the light.
Returns the color of a shadow.
Returns the coordinates of the target point of the light.
Sets the color of a light.
Sets the coordinates of the origin of the light.
Sets the color of a shadow.
Sets the coordinates of the target point of the light.


o Property ActiveStatus() As
Returns or sets the light active status.
A light illuminates only when it is active. The active status can be:
  • 1: light is on
  • 0: light is off
  • o Property Ambient() As
    Returns or sets the light ambient intensity of a light.
    o Property Angle() As
    Returns or sets the light angle of a spot light.
    The angle ranges from 0. (directional light) to 360. (point light).
    o Property AreaSamplesU() As
    Changes the number of samples taken in U direction of the area source.
    o Property AreaSamplesV() As
    Changes the number of samples taken in V direction of the area source.
    o Property AreaStatus() As
    Returns or sets the light area visibility status.
    The area visibility status can be:
  • 1: light area is rendered
  • 0: light area is not rendered
  • o Property AttenuationAngleRatio() As
    Returns or sets the light attenuation angle ratio.
    It represents the fraction of the light angle where the illumination starts to attenuate.
    The ratio ranges from 0. (attenuation starts when angle is null) to 1. (attenuation starts when angle is maximum = no angle attenuation).
    o Property AttenuationStartRatio() As
    Returns or sets the light attenuation start ratio.
    It represents the fraction of the end distance where the light intensity starts to attenuate.
    The ratio ranges from 0. (attenuation starts at the origin) to 1. (attenuation starts at the end distance = no attenuation).
    o Property CausticPhotonsNumber() As
    Changes the maximum number of caustic photons to emit from the light source.
    o Property CylinderLightHeight() As
    Returns or sets the cylinder light area radius.
    o Property CylinderLightRadius() As
    Returns or sets the cylinder light area radius.
    o Property Diffuse() As
    Returns or sets the light diffuse intensity of a light.
    o Property DiskLightRadius() As
    Returns or sets the disk light area radius.
    o Property EndDistance() As
    Returns or sets the light maximum distance of illumination.
    The light illuminates from its origin to its end distance. Objects farther than this distance are not affected by the light.
    o Property EnergyFactor() As
    Changes the factor for indirect illumination energy.
    o Property FalloffExponent() As
    Changes the light falloff exponent. Exponent value can be 0, 1 or 2.
    An exponent of 0 means that the light energy does not fall off with distance.
    An exponent of 1 means that the light energy fall off is linear.
    An exponent of 2 is physically correct.
    o Property GlobalPhotonsNumber() As
    Changes the maximum number of global illumination photons to emit from the light source.
    o Property HardwareShadowSmoothing() As
    Returns or sets the light shadow smoothing.
    It is an integer in the scale 0 to 10 It represents the cleanliness of the shadow limits
    o Property HardwareShadowStatus() As
    Returns or sets the light shadow status on environmemt.
    The shadow status can be:
  • 1: light casts shadows on environmemt
  • 0: light does not cast shadows on environmemt

  • The shadow status on environmemt can be activate only with a directional light
    o Property HardwareShadowTransparency() As
    Returns or sets the light shadow transparency.
    It is a float in the scale 0.0(no transparency) to 1.0(full transparency)
    o Property IlluminationStatus() As
    Changes the indirect illumination status.
    The indirect illumination status can be:
  • 1: indirect illumination is enabled
  • 0: indirect illumination is disabled
  • o Property Intensity() As
    Returns or sets the light intensity of a light.
    o Property LightAreaType() As
    Returns or sets the light area type.
      Possible area light types are:
    • 1: CATNone
    • 2: CATRectangle
    • 3: CATDisk
    • 4: CATSphere
    • 5: CATCylinder
    o Property Mode() As
    Returns or sets the light mode.
      Possible light modes are:
    • 1: Light is linked to the viewpoint
    • 2: Light is linked to the model
    o Property RectangleLightLength() As
    Returns or sets the light area length.
    o Property RectangleLightWidth() As
    Returns or sets the light area width.
    o Property ShadowFittingMode() As
    Returns or sets the light shadow fitting mode.
    The shadow fitting mode can be:
  • 0: Standard
  • 1: Good
  • o Property ShadowMapSize() As
    Returns or sets the light shadow map size.
    The shadow map size can be:
  • 0: Small (512)
  • 1: Medium (1024)
  • 2: Large (2048)
  • o Property ShadowObjectStatus() As
    Returns or sets the light shadow status on objet.
    The shadow status can be:
  • 1: light casts shadows on objet
  • 0: light does not cast shadows on objet

  • The shadow status on object can be activate only with a spot light
    o Property ShadowStatus() As
    Returns or sets the light shadow status.
    The shadow status can be:
  • 1: light casts shadows
  • 0: light does not cast shadows
  • o Property Specular() As
    Returns or sets the light specular intensity of a light.
    o Property SphereLightRadius() As
    Returns or sets the sphere light area radius.
    o Property Type() As
    Returns or sets the light type.
      Possible light types are:
    • 1: Spot light
    • 2: Point light
    • 3: Directional light


    o Sub GetColor( oColor)
    Returns the color of a light.
    The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
    The color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
    The array must be previously initialized.
    o Sub GetOrigin( oOrigin)
    Returns the coordinates of the origin of the light.
    These coordinates are set as an array of 3 Variants (double type).
    o Sub GetShadowColor( oShadowColor)
    Returns the color of a shadow.
    The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
    The color as a safe array made up of three doubles: r, g, b
    The array must be previously initialized.
    o Sub GetTarget( oTarget)
    Returns the coordinates of the target point of the light.
    These coordinates are set as an array of 3 Variants (double type).
    o Sub PutColor( iColor)
    Sets the color of a light.
    The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
    o Sub PutOrigin( iOrigin)
    Sets the coordinates of the origin of the light.
    These coordinates are set as an array of 3 Variants (double type).
    This example sets the origin of the MyLight light. to the point with coordinates (10, 25, 15).
     MyLight.PutOrigin Array(10, 25, 15)
    o Sub PutShadowColor( iShadowColor)
    Sets the color of a shadow.
    The color is expressed with r, g, and b coefficients (between 0 and 255)
    o Sub PutTarget( iTarget)
    Sets the coordinates of the target point of the light.
    These coordinates are set as an array of 3 Variants (double type).

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