
Rotate (Object)

Represents the shape rotate feature object.
This solid feature is created from an underlying HybridShapeRotate aggregated by the Rotate. Role: To access the data of the hybrid shape rotate feature object. This data includes: Use the CATIAShapeFactory to create ShapeFeature object.
See also:

Property Index

Returns or sets the rotation angle value.
Returns the rotation angle.
Returns or sets the rotation axis.
Gets the underlying HybridShapeRotate.


o Property AngleValue() As
Returns or sets the rotation angle value.
Example: This example retrieves in AngleValue the angle value for the Rotate hybrid shape feature.
 Dim AngleValue As double
 Set AngleValue = Rotate.AngleValue
o Property Angle() As (Read Only)
Returns the rotation angle.
o Property Axis() As
Returns or sets the rotation axis.
To set the property, you can use one of the following
Boundary objects: RectilinearTriDimFeatEdge, RectilinearBiDimFeatEdge or RectilinearMonoDimFeatEdge.
Example: This example retrieves in RotationAxis the rotation axis for the Rotate hybrid shape feature.
 Dim RotationAxis As Reference
 Set RotationAxis = Rotate.Axis
o Property HybridShape() As (Read Only)
Gets the underlying HybridShapeRotate.
The following example explains how to retrieve the underlying HybridShape Rotate
  Dim oHybridShape as AnyObject
  Set oHybridShape=oRotate.HybridShape
  oHybridShape.SectionCoupling = 2

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