
Section (Object)

Represents the Section object.
The Section object is a specification of a sectioning display and computationwith a section plane, section slice or section box.

Property Index

Returns the AnnotatedViews collection of the section.
Returns or sets the general behavior of the section: Freeze, Automatic update, manual update

The behavior value are defined in

Returns or sets the cutting mode of the section.
Returns or sets the sectionned group.
Returns or sets the height of the section.
Returns the Marker3Ds collection of the section.
Returns or sets the thickness of the section.
Returns or sets the type of the section.
Returns or sets the width of the section.

Method Index

Exports the sections curves of the section in a document.
Retrieves the position of the section.
Indicates whether the section is empty.
Sets the position of the section.


o Property AnnotatedViews() As (Read Only)
Returns the AnnotatedViews collection of the section.
This example retrieves the AnnotatedViews collection of NewSection Section.
    Dim TheAnnotatedViewsList As AnnotatedViews
    Set TheAnnotatedViewsList = NewSection.AnnotatedViews
o Property Behavior() As
Returns or sets the general behavior of the section: Freeze, Automatic update, manual update

The behavior value are defined in CatSectionBehavior.

The first example retrieves the behavior of NewSection Section.
    Dim SectionBehavior As CatSectionBehavior
    Behavior = NewSection.Behavior
The second example sets the behavior of NewSection Section.
    NewSection.Behavior = catSectionBehaviorAutomatic
o Property CutMode() As
Returns or sets the cutting mode of the section.

The cutting mode value is 1 for clipping or 0 without clipping.

The first example retrieves the cutting mode of NewSection Section.
    Dim SectionMode As Integer
    SectionMode = NewSection.CutMode
The second example sets the cutting mode of NewSection Section.
    NewSection.CutMode = 1
o Property Group() As
Returns or sets the sectionned group.

By default, it is the all leaves group.

The first example retrieves the group of NewSection Section.
    Dim AGroup As Group
    AGroup = NewSection.Group
The second example sets the group of NewSection Section.
    Dim AGroup As Group
    NewSection.Group = AGroup
o Property Height() As
Returns or sets the height of the section.

The height value must be greater than 0.

The first example retrieves the height of NewSection Section.
    Dim SectionHeight As double
    SectionHeight = NewSection.Height
The second example sets the height value of NewSection Section.
    NewSection.Height = 100.
o Property Marker3Ds() As (Read Only)
Returns the Marker3Ds collection of the section.
This example retrieves the Marker3Ds collection of NewSection Section.
    Dim TheMarker3DsList As Marker3Ds
    Set TheMarker3DsList = NewSection.Marker3Ds
o Property Thickness() As
Returns or sets the thickness of the section.

The thickness value must be greater than 0.

The first example retrieves the thickness of NewSection Section.
    Dim SectionThickness As double
    SectionThickness = NewSection.Thickness
The second example sets the thickness value of NewSection Section.
    NewSection.Thickness = 100.
o Property Type() As
Returns or sets the type of the section.

The type value are defined in CatSectionType.

The first example retrieves the type of NewSection Section.
    Dim SectionType As CatSectionType
    SectionType = NewSection.Type
The second example sets the type of NewSection Section.
    NewSection.Type = catSectionTypeSlice
o Property Width() As
Returns or sets the width of the section.

The width value must be greater than 0.

The first example retrieves the width of NewSection Section.
    Dim SectionWidth As double
    SectionWidth = NewSection.Width
The second example sets the width value of NewSection Section.
    NewSection.Width = 100.


o Func Export() As
Exports the sections curves of the section in a document.
The document
This example exports the section curves of NewSection Section in PartDoc document.
    Dim PartDoc As Document
    PartDoc = NewSection.Export
o Sub GetPosition( oComponents)
Retrieves the position of the section.

The position of the section is made of a coordinate system whose origin is the center of the section, and X and Y axes lie on the section. It is retrieved in an array of the X, Y, Z axes components and the origin components with respect to the absolute coordinate system.

The position of the section
  • oComponents( 0) is the X component of the X-axis
  • oComponents( 1) is the Y component of the X-axis
  • oComponents( 2) is the Z component of the X-axis
  • oComponents( 3) is the X component of the Y-axis
  • oComponents( 4) is the Y component of the Y-axis
  • oComponents( 5) is the Z component of the Y-axis
  • oComponents( 6) is the X component of the Z-axis
  • oComponents( 7) is the Y component of the Z-axis
  • oComponents( 8) is the Z component of the Z-axis
  • oComponents( 9) is the X component of the origin
  • oComponents(10) is the Y component of the origin
  • oComponents(11) is the Z component of the origin
This example retrieves the position of NewSection Section.
    Dim Components (11)
    NewSection.GetPosition Components
o Func IsEmpty() As
Indicates whether the section is empty.

The indicator value is 0 if the section is empty or 1 if the section comprise at least one segment.

This example retrieves the information on NewSection Section.
    Dim Indicator
    Indicator = NewSection.IsEmpty
o Sub SetPosition( iComponents)
Sets the position of the section.
The position of the section with respect to the absolute coordinate system
  • iComponents( 0) is the X component of the X-axis
  • iComponents( 1) is the Y component of the X-axis
  • iComponents( 2) is the Z component of the X-axis
  • iComponents( 3) is the X component of the Y-axis
  • iComponents( 4) is the Y component of the Y-axis
  • iComponents( 5) is the Z component of the Y-axis
  • iComponents( 6) is the X component of the Z-axis
  • iComponents( 7) is the Y component of the Z-axis
  • iComponents( 8) is the Z component of the Z-axis
  • iComponents( 9) is the X component of the origin
  • iComponents(10) is the Y component of the origin
  • iComponents(11) is the Z component of the origin
This example sets the position of NewSection Section.
    Dim MatrixPos (11) As Double
    MatrixPos( 0) = 1.0
    MatrixPos( 1) = 0.0
    MatrixPos( 2) = 0.0
    MatrixPos( 3) = 0.0
    MatrixPos( 4) = 1.0
    MatrixPos( 5) = 0.0
    MatrixPos( 6) = 0.0
    MatrixPos( 7) = 0.0
    MatrixPos( 8) = 1.0
    MatrixPos( 9) = 1000.0
    MatrixPos(10) = 0.0
    MatrixPos(11) = 0.0
    NewSection.SetPosition MatrixPos

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