
StiEngine (Object)

Represents the SmarTeam Integration Engine, that is to say the entry point to the CATIA/SmarTeam Integration.

It allows end user to realize the following operations (also called StiEngine methods): connection and disconnection to SmarTeam Integration, creation of SmarTeam Integration Objects (StiDBItem) and management of their lifecycle (Save, Check In, Check Out, Release, New Release, ...).
Note that all operations performed from this interface are the same as operations available and launched from the SmarTeam menu in CATIA.
Warning: By Default, these operations launched from this interface are executed Without Panel.
The following example indicates how to retrieve the SmarTeam Integration Engine.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
See also:

Property Index

Returns the Engine Integration Type.
Returns (gets) or sets the use of Graphical User Interface (GUI) in order to display or not panels.

Method Index

Copys the SmarTeam object -and its children- to default Work directory, opens it into CATIA session and returns the corresponding CATIAStiDBItem.
Copys the SmarTeam object -and its children- to default Work directory and returns the corresponding CATIAStiDBItem, Without opening the file into CATIA session.
Connects to SmarTeam Integration.
Disconnects to SmarTeam Integration.
Returns the Class Identifier of a SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem -at least saved in SmarTeam.
Returns the Object Identifier of a SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem -at least saved in SmarTeam.
Returns the SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem from an AnyObject object.
Returns the SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem from a Full Path.
Returns the Team PDM URL of a CATIAStiDBItem.
Returns if end user Is Connected to SmarTeam Integration (True) or not (False).
Checks the CATIAStiDBItem Into SmarTeam Check-In Vault.
Checks Out With Propagation the CATIAStiDBItem in SMARTEAM.
Checks Out Without Propagation the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.
Enables a NewRelease action With Propagation for the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.
Enables a New Release Without Propagation for the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.
Releases the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam Release Vault.
Cancels Check-Out operation on the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.
Refreshes Information concerning all CATIA Documents in session.
Saves the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.


o Property IntegrationType() As (Read Only)
Returns the Engine Integration Type.
Warning: Do Not use this method. It is Not implemented.
o Property UseGraphicalUI() As
Returns (gets) or sets the use of Graphical User Interface (GUI) in order to display or not panels. This method allows programmer to define if methods of this Interface Definition Language (IDL) will be executed With or Without user interactions.
Warning: By Default, operations launched from this interface are executed Without GUI, that is to say 'UseGraphicalUI' is set to 'False'. In practice, No GUI means that treatments are executed With Default Values because additional parameters or options can not be set, as there is no user interaction. If GUI are allowed, panels will be displayed. These panels correspond to the usual ones displayed when the corresponding functionnalities are launched from the SmarTeam Intagration menu. The behaviour is so the same as in Interactive Mode.
Note that the Connection to SmarTeam Integration is totally Independent of the Value of UseGraphicalUI.
The following example returns in the boolean bIsActive the current value of this option -that is to say if we use or not GUI for StiEngine methods- and then sets it -if needed- to 'True' -that corresponds to GUI operating mode.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If Not bIsActive Then
	oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = True
 End If


o Func BuildDocDBItemFromSmarTeamID( iobjectId,
iclassId) As
Copys the SmarTeam object -and its children- to default Work directory, opens it into CATIA session and returns the corresponding CATIAStiDBItem.
Note that this method is always executed Without any GUI and is so totally independent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the Object ID of the required SmarTeam object.
This input corresponds to the Class ID of the required SmarTeam object.
This output corresponds to the retrieved CATIAStiDBItem.
The following example retrieves a loaded document corresponding to a SmarTeam ID {Object ID, Class ID}.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim iobjectId As long
 iobjectId = 963
 Dim iclassId As short
 iclassId = 57
 Dim oStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set oStiDBItem = oStiEngine.BuildDocDBItemFromSmarTeamID iobjectId, iclassId
o Func BuildFileDBItemFromSmarTeamID( iobjectId,
iclassId) As
Copys the SmarTeam object -and its children- to default Work directory and returns the corresponding CATIAStiDBItem, Without opening the file into CATIA session.
Note that this method is always executed Without any GUI and is so totally independent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the Object ID of the required SmarTeam object.
This input corresponds to the Class ID of the required SmarTeam object.
This output corresponds to the retrieved CATIAStiDBItem.
The following example retrieves a loaded document corresponding to a SmarTeam ID {Object ID, Class ID}.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim iobjectId As long
 iobjectId = 963
 Dim iclassId As short
 iclassId = 57
 Dim oStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set oStiDBItem = oStiEngine.BuildFileDBItemFromSmarTeamID iobjectId, iclassId
o Sub Connect( iUserLogin,
Connects to SmarTeam Integration.
This connection to SmarTeam Integration is equivalent to launch in CATIA the command SmarTeam/Connect.
Note that this method is totally independent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI' and that the 'SmarTeam User Login' panel (dedicated connection panel) may be displayed.
This input corresponds to the Login name of the end user, who wants to connect to SmarTeam Integration.
This input corresponds to the associated Password of this end user.

Note that when 'iUserLogin' is EMPTY, the 'SmarTeam User Login' panel is displayed and the end user has to login himself. Note that 'iUserPassword' is taken into account if and only if 'iUserLogin' is NOT empty.
********** Connection With 'iUserLogin' & 'iUserPassword' **********
The following example connects end user to SmarTeam database on StiEngine oStiEngine Without displaying 'SmarTeam User Login' panel. The User Login is "xxx" and his associated Password "yyy". Note that User Login and Password should NOT be EMPTY. Otherwise the 'SmarTeam User Login' panel will be displayed. If User Login or Password are NOT correct, the connection failed.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim iUserLogin As CATBSTR
 iUserLogin = "xxx"
 Dim iUserPassword As CATBSTR
 iUserPassword = "yyy"
 oStiEngine.Connect iUserLogin,iUserPassword
********** Connection Without 'iUserLogin' & 'iUserPassword' **********
The following example connects end user to SmarTeam database on stiEngine oStiEngine With 'SmarTeam User Login' panel. The end user will have to type his Login and his Password in the dedicated panel. Note that if the User Login and his Password are specified, the 'SmarTeam User Login' panel will NOT be displayed. If the end user only specifies his Login or if User Login and/or Password are NOT correct, the connection failed. In these cases, the 'SmarTeam User Login' panel will NOT be displayed.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 oStiEngine.Connect "",""
o Sub Disconnect()
Disconnects to SmarTeam Integration.
This disconnection to SmarTeam Integration is equivalent to launch in CATIA the command SmarTeam/Disconnect.
Note that this method is always executed Without any GUI and is so totally independent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
The following example disconnects end user to SmarTeam database on StiEngine oStiEngine.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 oStiEngine.Connect "",""
o Func GetSMARTEAMClassID( iStiDBItem) As
Returns the Class Identifier of a SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem -at least saved in SmarTeam.
Note that the Class Identifier is unique for each Class defined in SmarTeam Data Model. This data is so linked to the current DataBase, that is to say With the SmarTeam Release (RXX).
Note that this method is always executed Without any GUI and is so totally independent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the CATIAStiDBItem.
This output corresponds to the retrieved Class Identifier of the CATIAStiDBItem.
The following example returns in oClassId the Class Identifier of the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product Document
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject(productDocument01)
 Dim oClassId As short
 oClassId = oStiEngine.GetSMARTEAMClassID(iStiDBItem)
o Func GetSMARTEAMObjectID( iStiDBItem) As
Returns the Object Identifier of a SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem -at least saved in SmarTeam.
This data is linked to the current DataBase, that is to say to the SmarTeam Release (RXX).
Note that this method is always executed Without any GUI and is so totally independent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the CATIAStiDBItem.
This output corresponds to the retrieved Object Identifier of the CATIAStiDBItem.
The following example returns in oObjectId the Object Identifier of the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product Document
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject(productDocument01)
 Dim oObjectId As long
 oObjectId = oStiEngine.GetSMARTEAMObjectID(iStiDBItem)
o Func GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( iAnyObject) As
Returns the SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem from an AnyObject object.
This method is useful to convert whatever CATIA V5 Object to a CATIAStiDBItem.
Note that this method is always executed Without any GUI and is so totally independent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to a CATIA V5 Object. It must be a Document, a Product, a Part or a DrawingSheet.
This output corresponds to the retrieved CATIAStiDBItem.
The following example returns in oStiDBItem the CATIAStiDBItem corresponding to the Document iDocument.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product Document
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim oStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set oStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject(productDocument01)
o Func GetStiDBItemFromCATBSTR( iFullPath) As
Returns the SmarTeam Integration Object CATIAStiDBItem from a Full Path.
This method is useful to convert a path to a CATIAStiDBItem, that is to say to create a SmarTeam Integration object. The programmer is then able to manage its lifecycle (that is to say to Save, Check In, Check Out, Release, New Release, ... it).
Note that this method is always executed Without any GUI and is so totally independent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
See also:
This input corresponds to the Full Path of the object to retrieve.
This output corresponds to the retrieved CATIAStiDBItem.
The following example returns in oStiDBItem the CATIAStiDBItem corresponding to the full path.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim iFullPath As CATBSTR
 iFullPath = "E:\CATIAFiles\Engine.CATProduct"
 Dim oStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set oStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromCATBSTR(iFullPath)
o Func GetTeamPDMURL( iStiDBItem) As
Returns the Team PDM URL of a CATIAStiDBItem.
Note that the Team PDM URL has the following syntax: “TeamPDM://DBExtractor?CLASSID.EQ.www. AND.OBJECTID.EQ.zzz.AND.Vers.EQ.1”
The only values which are modified from a SmarTeam object to an other are the numbers corresponding to the document “Class ID” (www) and “Object ID” (zzz).
Note that this method is always executed With GUI. Indeed it returns a SmarTeam panel displaying the TEAM PDM URL. It is so totally independent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the CATIAStiDBItem.
This output corresponds to the retrieved Team PDM URL of the CATIAStiDBItem.
The following example returns the Team PDM URL from a CATIAStiDBItem.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim iobjectId As long
 iobjectId = 963
 Dim iclassId As short
 iclassId = 57
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.BuildFileDBItemFromSmarTeamID iobjectId, iclassId
 oTeamPDMURL = oStiEngine.GetTeamPDMURL iStiDBItem 
o Func IsConnected() As
Returns if end user Is Connected to SmarTeam Integration (True) or not (False).
Note that this method is always executed Without any GUI and is so totally independent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
The following example tests if end user is connected to SmarTeam Integration on StiEngine oStiEngine. If end user is not connected, this code sample allows her/him to connect to SmarTeam Integration by displaying the 'SmarTeam User Login' panel.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim oIsConnected As boolean
 oIsConnected = oStiEngine.IsConnected
 If Not oStiEngine.IsConnected() Then
 End If
o Sub LifeCycleCheckIn( iStiDBItem)
Checks the CATIAStiDBItem Into SmarTeam Check-In Vault.
This LifeCycleCheckIn operation is equivalent to launch in CATIA the command SmarTeam/LifeCycle/CheckIn.
2 cases: either the document is NEW (that is to say already saved in SmarTeam) or the document is being Modified (Checked-Out) and is removed back into the vault.
Note that this method should be executed With GUI and is so totally dependent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the CATIAStiDBItem to Check-In.
********** LifeCycleCheckIn With GUI **********
The following example checks the current activated document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem and already saved in SmarTeam -into the vault.
Note that in the dedicated panel, the end user should choose to activate the following options 'Keep Local File' or 'Keep Checked-Out'.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If Not bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = True
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleCheckIn iStiDBItem
********** LifeCycleCheckIn Without GUI **********
The following example checks the current activated document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem and already saved in SmarTeam- into the vault.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = False 
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleCheckIn iStiDBItem
o Sub LifeCycleCheckOutPropagated( iStiDBItem)
Checks Out With Propagation the CATIAStiDBItem in SMARTEAM.
This LifeCycleCheckOutPropagated operation is equivalent to launch in CATIA the command SmarTeam/LifeCycle/CheckOut and then to specify in the associated SmarTeam panel 'Actions/Propagate Operation'.
Note that this method should be executed With GUI and is so totally dependent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the CATIAStiDBItem to be Checked-Out.
********** LifeCycleCheckOutPropagated With GUI **********
The following example Checks Out from the vault the current activated document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem AND its children. She/he has also access to the SmarTeam panel option 'Do not get the file from vault'.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If Not bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = True
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleCheckOutPropagated iStiDBItem
********** LifeCycleCheckOutPropagated Without GUI **********
The following example Checks Out from the vault the current activated document -associated to the StiDBItem oStiDBItem AND its children.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = False 
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleCheckOutPropagated iStiDBItem
o Sub LifeCycleCheckOut( iStiDBItem)
Checks Out Without Propagation the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.
This LifeCycleCheckOut operation is equivalent to launch in CATIA the command SmarTeam/LifeCycle/CheckOut.
Note that this method should be executed With GUI and is so totally dependent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the CATIAStiDBItem to Check-Out.
********** LifeCycleCheckOut With GUI **********
The following example checks out from the vault the current activated document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem. Note that in the dedicated panel, the end user is able to realize the following action 'Propagate Operation' to select which children she/he also wants to Check-Out. She/he has also access to the SmarTeam panel option 'Do not get the file from vault'.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If Not bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = True
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleCheckOut iStiDBItem
********** LifeCycleCheckOut Without GUI **********
The following example Checks Out from the vault the current activated document -associated to the StiDBItem oStiDBItem.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = False 
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleCheckOut iStiDBItem
o Sub LifeCycleNewReleasePropagated( iStiDBItem)
Enables a NewRelease action With Propagation for the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.
This LifeCycleNewReleasePropagated operation is equivalent to launch in CATIA the command SmarTeam/LifeCycle/NewRelease and then to specify in the associated SmarTeam panel 'Propagate Operation'.
Note that this method should be executed With GUI and is so totally dependent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the CATIAStiDBItem to be New Released.
********** LifeCycleNewReleasePropagated With GUI **********
The following example makes a new copy of the Released document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem and of its children. This document was previously saved into the Released vault. The resulting document is a new revision of the source document. She/he has also access to the SmarTeam panel option 'Do not get the file from vault'.
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If Not bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = True
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleNewReleasePropagated iStiDBItem
********** LifeCycleNewReleasePropagated Without GUI **********
The following example makes a new copy of a Released document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem and of its children. This document was previously saved into the Released vault. The resulting document is a new revision of the source document.
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = False 
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleNewReleasePropagated iStiDBItem
o Sub LifeCycleNewRelease( iStiDBItem)
Enables a New Release Without Propagation for the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.
This LifeCycleNewRelease operation to SmarTeam Integration is equivalent to launch in CATIA the command SmarTeam/LifeCycle/NewRelease.
Note that this method should be executed With GUI and is so totally dependent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the CATIAStiDBItem to New Release.
********** LifeCycleNewRelease With GUI **********
The following example makes a new copy of a Released document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem that was moved into the Released vault. The resulting document is a new revision of the source document. Note that in the dedicated panel,the end user is also able to realize the following action 'Propagate Operation' to select which children she/he also wants to Check-Out. She/he has also access to the SmarTeam panel option 'Do not get the file from vault'.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If Not bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = True
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleNewRelease iStiDBItem
********** LifeCycleNewRelease Without GUI **********
The following example makes a new copy of a Released document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem that was moved into the Released vault. The resulting document is a new revision of the source document.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = False 
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleNewRelease iStiDBItem
o Sub LifeCycleRelease( iStiDBItem)
Releases the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam Release Vault.
This LifeCycleRelease operation is equivalent to launch in CATIA the command SmarTeam/LifeCycle/Release.
3 cases: either the document is New (that is to say already saved in SmarTeam) or it is being Modified (Checked-Out or New Released) and is removed back into the vault or it is Checked-In and is moved from the Check-In vault to the Release one.
Note that this method should be executed With GUI and is so totally dependent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the CATIAStiDBItem to Released.
********** LifeCycleRelease With GUI **********
The following example releases the current activated document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem and already saved in SmarTeam- into the vault.
Note that in the dedicated panel, the end user should choose to activate the following options 'Keep Local File' or 'Keep Checked-Out'.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If Not bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = True
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current activated document
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleRelease iStiDBItem
********** LifeCycleRelease Without GUI **********
The following example moves the current activated document -associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem and already saved in SmarTeam -into the Released vault.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = False 
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current activated document
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleRelease iStiDBItem
o Sub LifeCycleUndoCheckOut( iStiDBItem)
Cancels Check-Out operation on the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam. So the programmer is able to retrieve the previous latest state (Checked-In or Released) of the CATIAStiDBItem.
This LifeCycleUndoCheckOut operation is equivalent to launch in CATIA the command SmarTeam/LifeCycle/UndoCheckOut.
Note that this method should be executed With GUI and is so totally dependent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
This input corresponds to the CATIAStiDBItem to be Undo Checked-Out.
********** LifeCycleUndoCheckOut With GUI **********
The following example retrieves a copy of a document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem in the previous latest state (Checked-In or Released).
A CATIA panel is firstly displayed to warn the end user that it is strongly recommanded to confirm the file deletion when asked. If, the end user clicks "OK", a SmarTeam panel is then displayed "File '(...)\Work\CATPRD-XXXX.CATProduct' is referenced only by Object 'CATPRD-XXXX RevX.X', and will be deleted. Do you want to delete this file?" The end user had better accept.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If Not bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = True 
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleUndoCheckOut iStiDBItem
********** LifeCycleUndoCheckOut Without GUI **********
The following example cancels the Check-Out of the document associated to the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem in the previous latest state (Checked-In or Released).
By default, the Undo Check-Out operation is not propagated, i.e. available only for the current CATIAStiDBItem.
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = False 
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 oStiEngine.LifeCycleUndoCheckOut iStiDBItem
o Sub RefreshInfo()
Refreshes Information concerning all CATIA Documents in session.
This RefreshInfo operation is equivalent to launch in CATIA the command SmarTeam/Tools/Refresh.
Note that this method is always executed Without any GUI and is so totally independent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'.
During this RefreshInfo operation, the following steps are executed:
- Checking the document synchronization on disk,
- Updating internal info,
- Updating Read/Write status for valid documents,
- Updating icons,
- Sending error or warning message for not synchronized or removed documents if GUIs are activated.
The following example refreshs the CATIA session:
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
o Sub Save( iStiDBItem)
Saves the CATIAStiDBItem in SmarTeam.
This Save operation is equivalent to launch in CATIA the command SmarTeam/Save.
Note that this method should be executed With GUI and is so totally dependent of the value returned by 'UseGraphicalUI'. The SmarTeam Integration Object (and its children) is(are) saved in the current Work -if NOT already saved on disc.
This input corresponds to the CATIAStiDBItem to save.
********** Save With GUI **********
Note that in the 'Projects Manager' panel, the end user should select the 'Project' in which she/he wants to save the corresponding file. If she/he selects one, then she/he can activate the option 'Link To Projects' and then 'Secured By' and to finish 'Propagate security'. She/he is also able to choose to activate the following option 'Add To Desktop'.
The following example saves in SmarTeam the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem With GUI.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If Not bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = True
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject(productDocument01)
 oStiEngine.Save iStiDBItem 
********** Save Without GUI **********
By Default, the SmarTeam Integration Object (and its children) is(are) saved in the current Work -if NOT already saved on disc, NOT linked With any Project and NOT Added to Desktop.
The following example saves in SmarTeam the CATIAStiDBItem oStiDBItem Without GUI.
 Dim oStiEngine As StiEngine
 Set oStiEngine = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
 Dim bIsActive As boolean
 bIsActive = oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI
 If bIsActive Then
   oStiEngine.UseGraphicalUI = False 
 End If
 ' Retrieve the Current Activated Product
 Dim productDocument01 As Document
 Set productDocument01 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
 ' Retrieve the StiDBItem from the Document
 Dim iStiDBItem As StiDBItem
 Set iStiDBItem = oStiEngine.GetStiDBItemFromAnyObject( productDocument01 )
 ' Save the Product
 oStiEngine.Save iStiDBItem 

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